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There’s a lot of buzz going around the internet that would say concrete alternatives are the best material for your fence footing. However, this isn’t always the case. In this article we’ll discuss why concrete footings are the premium choice for homeowners in Colorado.

Wait I’m new to this….What are footings?

Before we go any further, some readers out there might be new to the fence building process and might be unsure of what we’re talking about when we say fence footing. When you build a fence you’ll need to secure the posts somehow to prevent sagging or instability. Not having your posts secured will entirely compromise the structural integrity of your fence. So make sure your footing is properly done so you can enjoy your fence to the fullest extent without any worries!

Myth Busters: Concrete alternatives are NOT the best selection

Now that we’ve covered what exactly the footings are for your fence posts, we’ll go bust the myth that: “concrete alternatives make the better selection for fence post footings”. There are two main reasons why concrete is the better choice for fence footings. Firstly, concrete is the most cost-effective method for securing your posts. Not only is the concrete itself in-expensive, but the labor and installation is not very challenging. Secondly, here in Colorado we are subject to high-speed winds ranging anywhere from 30-45 miles per hour. With concrete footings, these winds won’t even phase your fence posts. Whereas having alternative materials, like gravel, would not achieve the same stability and the likelihood of your fence falling over or sagging is increased.

So what’s all this buzz about having gravel or concrete alternatives for, then? Well, a minor advantage that these alternatives have is that they are a little more workable if you need to replace parts of your fence. By having your posts placed in gravel, rather than concrete, taking the posts in and out of the ground will be much less of a hassle making the entire replacement process 10 times easier. That may seem like a good trade off right? If you’re going to have to replace your wood (which you will because all natural wood rots) you’ll want the easiest way to do it. However, it’s important to take into account how long you plan to live at that house because you may not even have to deal with replacements.

After 40 years of business, concrete is the ideal selection in Colorado

With Cedar Fence Direct supplying you the highest quality materials, and with your proper care and treatment, your fence should last 15 to 20 years. If your fence can last all those years without needing replacements, then a stronger and more stable post is the better route to go down, especially in a climate like Colorado’s. You won’t have to worry about how easy it will be to replace your fence posts if you never have to do it while you occupy that house.

In our 40 years of business, we have found that contractors and homeowners alike all prefer concrete’s stability to gravel’s ease of installation. Concrete footings will be your best option if you’re looking for the optimal, cost-effective method of securing your fence posts. For how cheap and easy it is to buy and install, the end result of unmatched stability is why we recommend that you use concrete and not concrete alternatives for your fence footings.


Our Trusted Experts Are Ready to Help Find the Materials for Your Next Project. Call 1-877-789-0489 for a free quote.