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One of the main reasons why you bought a split rail fence was probably due to its easy installation. Split Rail fences are a DIYer’s dream because of they require very little tools and materials to be installed properly. But if they’re easy to install, does this mean they’re also easy to fix?

As a DIYer, you’re not just interested in how easy something is to build, but also how easy it is to maintain and fix. This quick video is an excellent guide to split rail fence repair.

The video brings up numerous pieces of advice that will greatly benefit your split rail fence repair process:

  1. Removing your old/broken posts: Sometimes in order to effectively fix your fence you might have to unearth so of the decorative plants around the fence posts. Use a shovel as a leveraging system so your fence posts will just “pop” right out of the ground.
  2. Using Cedar: Cedar is naturally resistant to rot! A great, cost-effective solution that will last a long time. It’s very easy to work with and remains the go-to solution for all levels of DIYers.
  3. Ensure your posts are aligned: Not having your posts lined up accurately can impede a project. So using a string as he did in the video is a simple and effective way of ensuring proper alignment and how much of the post will need to be removed.

The video provides a simple and quick tutorial of the split rail fence repair process, but a short video like this might not answer all your questions. This is why we’ve created a free, downloadable brochure that you can have immediate access to with just a simple click of a button. Head to our sidebar and download it now for all the information you’ll need for a fence project, answers to frequently asked questions, and more!


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