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So, you built a new fence this year. When you finished the job, you cleaned up your tools, admired your handiwork, and breathed a sigh of relief that the project is finally done. Is it, though? If you didn’t seal your fence or treat the wood, you might need to revisit that fencing project. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of treating your new wooden fence.
Hywel Davies

Hywel Davies

Hywel Davies, Managing Director of Perimeter Fencing Solutions.

Protect Your Investment

Buying a wooden fence is a major investment. So, looking after your fence by staining and sealing it keeps it looking smart and prolongs [the lifetime of] your investment. When not treated, wood may swell when wet or contract when dry. This constant action, in conjunction with UV damage, will create cracks in the wood and fade the color of your fence.

4 Benefits of Sealing Wood

1. The sealant keeps moisture out, which keeps the wood from decaying. When it rains, the water can soak into the wood fibers. Then when the sun hits the fence, the moisture will quickly evaporate away, but the wood fibers will have loosened and started decaying.

2. The sealant also helps prevent mildew from settling in by keeping water from soaking into the wood.

3. You can use one formulated to deter pests like termites and carpenter ants.

4. A sealed fence looks better because it’s less prone to sun and water fading. After ten years, an unsealed fence will look significantly faded, worn, and possibly warped. When a fence is sealed as needed, it should remain to look much more like new over the same period.

Melanie Musson

Melanie Musson

Melanie Musson is a home improvement expert with Clearsurance.com.
Rick Abbiati

Rick Abbiati

Rick Abbiati, owner of Colony Property Investments, LLC and ColonyBuysHouses.com.

Prolong the Life of the Fence

Sealing and treating a fence can make it last many times longer than an untreated one. Sealing will help prevent rot, mold, and decay. For some treatments, you may need to re-apply after a period of time.

Survive Changing Weather Conditions

Sealing and treating a fence will make your fence survive changing weather conditions for longer periods of time. Wood tends to retain water which makes it bulge and shrink. A continuous cycle of bulging and shrinking due to changing weather conditions will lead to its deformation and destruction. It also makes it more prone to insect infestation.

Given that our weather conditions keep changing, it is important to protect our fences by sealing and treating them. It will increase their water and UV radiation resistance and allow them to retain their color and quality longer.

Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson

Robert Johnson, Founder of Sawinery.
Sean Chapman

Sean Chapman

Sean Chapman, a professional carpenter with over 10 years of experience. A founder of his Tools’n’Goods tool and machinery review blog.

Prevent Damage from Water and Sunlight

Even pressure-treated fence wood that seems protected from rot and pests can get wet and warp if they dry quickly under direct sunlight. If you seal the wood, it will prevent absorption and protect the wood from UV rays. The sun can damage the wood fibers and discolor the surface, so a sealant does a double job.

Sealing should be done every 2-3 years even if the manufacturer recommends a 5-year gap between applications. You will ensure the best result and prevent the wood from sipping any moisture at all.

If your fence has just been installed, you have to wait 4-8 weeks (12 weeks for pressure-treated wood) before staining and sealing it. This time lets the wood naturally reduce the moisture content and get ready for absorbing the treatment.

Maintain Structural Integrity

Sealing and treating a fence will improve its appearance and extend its life. It also keeps water from passing through, preventing your fences from decaying. Because it will be sturdier, it will provide more protection against national phenomena such as storms and hurricanes, ensuring that the occupants inside the house will be protected.

Brad Griebenow

Brad Griebenow

Brad Griebenow, Founder of Colorado Springs Roofer.

This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors are not necessarily affiliated with this website and their statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.


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