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Fencing can be an overlooked addition to say the least, but does it actually add value to your property beyond the cosmetic boost in curb appeal? Believe it or not, fencing when done right can add enormous amounts of property value and boost that price once it comes time to sell. We understand that fencing isn’t for everyone, and some love the look and feel of an open landscape concept— especially in rural areas or homes with stellar views. But for those of us living in close proximity to our neighbors or in cityscapes, fencing can make or break your property value.

Fencing is one of the best solutions for adding privacy and security to our outdoor spaces. This becomes a major factor when considering the property value of suburban homes. Most people don’t want their neighbors looking into their yard from all angles when they are trying to relax and get some sunshine. Fencing has become one of the most valuable additions in this day and age with such prominence in manmade communities and suburban housing developments. In fact, many of these communities require fencing as a means for property boundaries and keeping children and animals secured. 

As previously mentioned, fencing is a must for any family with small children or animals roaming around an outdoor area. Fencing gives adults the peace of mind that their precious loved ones are safe and within the boundary lines that they should be. Especially for those living near bodies of water or harsh cliffs, fencing ensures that your family is safe no matter what. When it comes to safety and peace of mind that fencing provides, the value is truly priceless. 

For those who have already decided that fencing is worth the cost and will provide value to their home, now comes the time to decide on the best bang for your buck in terms of materials. The property owners who are most concerned with privacy and security of their outdoor spaces, a privacy fence is probably the way to go. For those with more open space and less neighbors, a ranch rail, post and dowel, or split rail would be a great and affordable option to quickly add immense value to your home. 

When comparing the different options for fencing, be sure to write down a list of what is most important for you and your property. Whether you’re looking for privacy, boundary lines, or maybe your sole focus is on boosting value— fencing that checks all the boxes you need it to is highly preferable. Fencing brings a lot of added value to our lives in terms of functionality and performance, but it also brings value to other areas of life that are sometimes overlooked. If you find that you are asking yourself, “is fencing really worth it?” know that you are making an investment into your property and investment into the safety of your family. 

Overall, when considering the addition of a fence to your outdoor spaces it is vital to weigh your options in terms of the value they provide to you. For many, privacy is of utmost importance, and a tall 8 foot fence would improve their lives greatly. While others don’t exactly care about the functionality, they do care about the monetary value a fence can provide. Whoever you may be in the fence building process, fencing without a doubt will boost the value of your home both functionally and cosmetically for all to enjoy for decades to come.


Our Trusted Experts Are Ready to Help Find the Materials for Your Next Project. Call 1-877-789-0489 for a free quote.