Douglas Fir
Douglas Fir is a very popular choice in the Colorado market. Douglas Fir provides an exceptional structural strength and a clear Douglas Fir is known for a beautiful appearance. Structural timbers will be knotty and graded for structural uses and are available in Rough Sawn or Smooth Sawn.
Western Red Cedar
Western Red Cedar timbers are a highly sought after timber for outdoor projects since Cedar timbers are naturally resistant to rot and decay. Western Red Cedar timbers comes in a clear or knotty appearance grade with the ability to weather to a silver grade appearance if left untreated.
Eastern Hemlock
Eastern Hemlock timbers come trees in New Hampshire and are milled to order. Eastern Hemlock is strong and durable enough for any project. Hemlock Timbers provide homeowners a great value for their projects while providing a unique look compared to Douglas Fir or Western Red Cedar.