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Call 1-877-789-0489 for a quote.

Post caps can be seen as a critical and integral part of your overall fence’s design. Post caps are a necessity due to safety benefits, increasing your fence’s durability and lifespan, as well as giving your property a bit more privacy and seclusion. These stylish additions will help to protect your fence from extreme weather conditions, something that Colorado homeowners are all too familiar with.  This simple task of creating your own post caps won’t just save you money, but it will create a sense of fulfillment and pride because you built it yourself! You put in the hard work, you should be proud!

In this guide we’ll go over how to make your own post caps, step by step:

Step 1: Cutting your lumber

As mentioned in our 10 Fence Tips blog, before any project is started you’ll want to check with local authorities and HOA to ensure that the project you want to execute isn’t violating any codes or regulations.

Once you’ve cleared your project with the city, you can start by cutting your lumber with a power saw. Generally, you’ll want to use a 2×8 for an ideal post cap solution. Start by cutting whatever lumber you choose into a square – we recommend using Cedar wood due to its natural resistance to moisture, rot and decay, as well as price. Be sure to be as accurate as possible with your measurements so no materials are wasted!

Step 2: Determining the angle

The exact angle of your cutting will be determined by whether or not you want a shallow point towards the peak of your cap, or not. That being said, 15 degrees is a good starting point – but you can adjust as necessary based on your preferences.

Step 3: Placing the Post Cap

Place the 2” sides of your post caps on the surface of your table saw and cut through the beveled corner on each side. Pro tip: fasten a small piece of scrap wood to each side of the square to act as a backer and additional stability. When all 4 sides have been cut, you’ll be ready for the final step…

Step 4: Final Touches and Install

Before you glue your post caps to the corners of your fence posts, improve the quality and look of your caps by applying 120 grit sandpaper and smoothing down the wood. This will achieve a much cleaner, fresh and even shiny look! Also note that sanded wood is easier to paint and stain, so if you want to add stains for additional protection or paint for an added visual appeal, be sure to sand down the post caps.


Our Trusted Experts Are Ready to Help Find the Materials for Your Next Project. Call 1-877-789-0489 for a free quote.